2023 saw me start a terrain project with GHQ Terrain Maker system of 4" Hexes. I had spent the better part of 2021-2022 trying to come up with a nice playing surface for my games at home. I wanted something that looked good and was modular. I played around with standard mats and terrain boards. Neither one really fit what I wanted to do. I bought a few tubes of GHQ Tiles and got started playing around with that system. It has it's upsides and downsides but overall it is fitting exactly what I was looking for in a home terrain system.
Other projects included my first dive into what has been my favorite scale for land based games... 6mm. My local group decided a couple years ago to give Altar of Freedom a try using 6mm Baccus ACW miniatures. Our first game was solid, the game moved quickly, reached a reasonable resolution. It will definitely be a regular game for our group.
Now you ask what is the plan for 2024? You didn't talk much about naval, what gives?
Well first and foremost in 2024 I really want to jump start this blog. I was really unsure of the direction I wanted to go. Plans fell through, plans never came to realization. But for 2024 here are my plans:
- Perryville - 6mm ACW using Altar of Freedom
- Shiloh - 6mm ACW using Altar of Freedom
These are two battles my local group definitely wants to do. These will be played out at the club as either 1v1 a multiplayer 2v2 or 2v1. Painting will need to be done to finish up my confederates for these games.
- Various Mediterranean naval engagements with both Victory at Sea and General Quarters 3.3.
These will be played as I build up my naval forces for a campaign I'll mention below
Air Combat
- Missile Threat 1965-1975 Soviet's
This will be our last minute pickup game of 2024. My opponent will be running USAF aircraft while I'll take the Soviets.
- Operation Nostalgia: The Hypothetical 1943 Allied Invasion in the Aegean Sea
This will be the big one and a shout out to Grymauch for the idea. But I will be doing Operation Nostalgia from two old editions of Wargaming Illustrated with some modifications to the OOBs.
- Atlantic Naval Campaign - This is a Naval Thunder campaign that I'd like to replay with General Quarters 3.3
Painting/Workbench Projects
- Continue painting my Confederates and build to the Shiloh battle. This includes 14 more stands of infantry, 3 of cavalry, 3 Generals, 6 Artillery.
- Operation Nostalgia OOBs. This will be probably 60+ stands of land based, 24 3mm aircraft, about 12 1/2400 ships.
- 12 - 1/285 scale Cold War Soviet aircraft
- Continue to expand my GHQ Terrain Maker Tile collection. This project will mostly coincide with the ACW battles.
This will be a busy year for me. With Operation Nostalgia being my solo priority followed by ACW as my club priority.
Thank you all for following along I hope to be releasing much more content this year.
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