Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Summer Update - Rumblings

 It's July and I haven't honestly done much as far as gaming has gone.  Life and shifting priorities have kept me bouncing from one priority to the next.  So where am I sitting here today in July of 2024?

I did get some gaming in on the 6th with a local group who put on a Fire and Fury Regiment game.  F&F is an American Civil War ruleset where each side is fielding roughly a division with 3-5 Brigades.  We played through the Battle of Black River Bridge.  A smaller engagement that followed up the battle of Champion Hill.  I played on the confederate side holding down the right flank.

With very ineffective musketry and cannonade fire the Union troops finally overwhelmed my flank with some strong charges with just sheer mass.  In reality we probably would have retreated over the bridge before the Union could make contact.  But that doesn't make for a fun tabletop game so we tried to hold the line!  Unfortunately by the time we called the game the writing was on the wall.  Loring wasn't coming to our aid and the Union forces were going to overwhelm us.

Would like to thank Jim and the rest of the group for putting this game on.

On the hobby front I have been plucking away at my WW2 Brits for Operation Nostalgia.  Will be following up with some Italians in the coming months so I can at least get some one off games on the table and try out a few different rulesets for WW2 battles.  

The current rules in the running:
Fistful of TOWS 3 (Base = Platoon)
Blitzkreig Commander IV (Base = Platoon)
Mein Panzer (Base = Squad)
Micro Armor (Base = Squad)

I am also continuing my painting of the 6mm Confederates for Altar of Freedom.  Working towards fielding both sides of Chattanooga. 

Projects on the horizon
Nothing yet.  I have been tossing around Warlord Epic ACW for rules like Fire and Fury or the new one from Osprey "With Hot Lead and Cold Steel".   Also in the far back of the brain is ACW Naval and more Blood Red Skies.